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How To Live A Happy Life?

How to Live a Happy Life?


At the current time, it is very difficult to be happy all of the time. But it is not impossible. If you want to know how you can remain Happy and Motivated all the time then you are the right place. Here, in this article, I am going to tell you about my personal ways which help me to be happy in all the situations no matter how hard the situation gets.

The key points this article focuses on are:
·       Love yourself
·       Try new things
·       Be Self-Motivated
·       No Need to Care (Be Careless)
·       The secret of My Happy Life

For living a happy life full of motivation and energy you only need to care about the mentioned things. Now let’s have a closer look at these things and learn how these can help you in living a better life.

Love Yourself: In this cruel world Self-Love is the most important thing. The main problem with today’s generation is that they are busy in finding true love in the outer world without knowing that their true lover is present inside them. This lover never hurts the feeling of the person and know your needs well. Always remember the below lines:

“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.”

Now the question is that how can someone love himself while he is busy in comparing himself with others?
By the last line, you must have figured out what I want to say. Yes, first of all, you need to stop comparing yourself to others. If you are not so good at it or you have tried it in the past but you have failed then you must Check Out This Amazing Article: “How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others?” If you stop comparing yourself to other people around you then you will not feel ashamed of trying new things and eventually, you will start loving yourself.
Here’s a great quote which will help you to stay motivated in this loving process:

“Eat as you love yourself. Move as you love yourself. Speak as you love yourself. Act as you love yourself.”

Try New Things: Once you are done with stop giving a fcuk(ha-ha you will understand this) about what people think about you, you are all set to try new things and have new experiences with your life. The more experiences you have the more you start loving yourself. The more you love yourself the more you will try new things. And this cycle on.
You might have the question that which things to try and which not to?
The answer to this question is quite simple. Try all of the things which fascinates you. Do skydiving, rappelling, world tour, have tattoos (only if you love tattoos), make new friends(never forget the old ones), just do what your heart says.
There’s a quote which is my favorite regarding this situation. It says:

“But Experiences not Things”

But, always keep in mind that trying new things doesn’t mean that you start to try illegal things too. There are some things if they are wrong then they are wrong. There is no need to try those things and check if it fascinates you or not.

Be Self-Motivated: Just ask yourself a question: Do you search online for motivation? And if the answer is Yes then you not doing the right thing. I’m not saying that those people won’t help you but always remember that:

God helps those who help themselves”

In this case, they are God for you. Their videos won’t help you until you are happy with your life until you are self-motivated.
Self-Motivation required no work. What you have to do is to follow the below steps:
·       Take a page
·       Write your strengths
·       Write your weakness
·       Write your goals
·       Write your name in UPPERCASE the top and bottom

Now, you just have to polish your strengths, accept your weaknesses(only if you can’t cure them else you should try to remove those by daily efforts), work towards your Goals and your name will have a different type of impact(try it and you will love how it feels).

No Need to Care: Being careless is considered as a minus point in our society. I remember that when I was in school my teachers used to say he is very careless and sometimes he just ignores what I say to him. And now I feel that this was the best part of me being careless. Because I just ignored what everyone is saying and was busy in my own stuff. With the time I learned what to listen and what to ignore.
So, to be happy to need to be a little bit of careless person. Just learn to ignore what other people say about you. Either Good or Bad. Just keep moving towards your goals and be happy. A quote related to this in my mind:

“If you are truly HAPPY then FUCK what people think”

Just keep in mind that you don’t have to ignore everything. Inhale the good vibes only and Exhale the Bullshit.

The Secret of My Happy Life: As you grow, you understand many things. One thing which I understood was that you need to be the better version of yourself every minute. Do those things which will make you feel like God. Stop spending time on social media doing nothing productive. Stop playing games the whole day. Stop wasting your time on useless things and start being productive. Start being good to others. Start being the better version of yourself.
The secret of me being happy all the time is that I try to read at least 20 pages every day. I use my mobile phone only for a limited period of time. And the most important thing is I give importance to me time very much as compared to anything else in the world. This helps me in identifying what my brain and body want and what can I do to satisfy their needs.
Many people think that meditation is the only way to calm your mind. But it's not true. It only depends on your definition of meditation.
For me, meditation is doing something through which I can understand what my body actually wants and what should I do for it. You can opt-out anything to know that. Either you can sit alone for some time or you can have a long walk or you just need to lie on your bed. It varies from person to person. Again, you have to try new things to figure out what actually suits you!

Always remember:
“Sometimes you just need to Disconnect and Enjoy your own Company”

Image Source:https://inspirationfeed.com/secrets-for-living-a-happy-life/

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